About Us

  • Pillai_Foundation
  • January 30, 2016

The Pillai Foundation is a 501(c)3 private charitable trust established in 2013 by Dr. Baskaran Pillai

Dr. Pillai is an International Speaker and World Thought Leader who is deeply committed to helping people across the globe make the shift in consciousness from a life of limitation to a life unlimited.

Dr. Pillai continues to establish some of the most progressive and innovative self-advancement knowledge, tools and practices on our planet today. He has been featured in Time Magazine for having millions of views of his free teaching videos on YouTube and was named as the “YouTube Guru” in 2008.  Hundreds of thousands of people have already experience massive shifts in their lives as a result of practicing his Siddha Sound Technologies.

Dr. Pillai has been a speaker for the United Nations Conference of World Religions and the World Knowledge Forum, and has hosted forums on Religion and Science.  He often quotes Einstein: “Science without Religion is lame, Religion without Science is blind.”

His scholarly background includes Masters degrees in English Literature and Comparative Literature from Madurai University and a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Pittsburgh where he was both a teaching fellow in the Department of Religious Studies and Coordinator of Indian Studies program for the Department of International Studies.

Dr. Pillai is a Master from the South Indian Siddha tradition. A Siddha in the Tamil language means “one who is accomplished” and refers to perfected masters who have achieved a high degree of physical as well as spiritual perfection or enlightenment.  It is non-denominational in nature and follows a path of using spiritual techniques and technologies to gain mastery over both the material (money, food, relationship) and spiritual worlds.

He is the author of several books including Life Changing Sounds: Tools from the Other Side and One Minute Guide to Prosperity and Enlightenment.

Dr. Wayne Dyer lovingly dedicated his breakthrough book Manifest Your Destiny to Dr. Pillai, a.k.a. Guruji, for giving to Dr. Dyer the now famous “Ah” Meditation.  In Dr. Dyer’s last book I Can See Clearly Now, he writes about Dr. Pillai, “This beautifully spiritual man from India was one of the most influential people to cross my path… It’s pretty clear to me that this sublime being was sent to me so that I might get on with the next stage in my personal drama.”


Dr. Pillai is founder of Phonemic Intelligence (https://www.phonemicintelligence.org).  Phonemic Intelligence (“PI”) is intelligence enhancing education. PI training consists of brain-strengthening exercises that help children concentrate, focus, and learn easier. Regular practice of the PI Core Technique creates emotional balance and confidence in students. Practice of the technique takes less than 10 minutes to complete and dramatically improves the environment for learning.

He created and continues to develop The Pillai Center (https://www.pillaicenter.com), an educational company with a goal of enhancing human intelligence and positively transforming every aspect of life. Courses are offered on self-development in health, prosperity, relationship and spirituality.

Dr. Pillai is the founder of AstroVed (https://www.astroved.com), an organization which focuses on the propagation of the Vedic sciences, and offers spiritual technologies to bring about positive transformation in the areas of prosperity, health, relationship, career and inner growth.



As founder of non-profit, Tripura Foundation (https://www.tripurafoundation.org), Dr. Pillai is committed to abolishing extreme poverty. For over 20 years, Tripura’s programs have been designed to eradicate hunger, educate children, and empower women & girls.

Tripura’s current “HoPE Centers” provide science-based, transformational tools through educational programs to its 90+ centers serving underprivileged children.

Tripura has built sustainable, environmentally-friendly housing for the poorest of the poor, replacing slum dwellings with beautiful homes. Tripura Foundation also sponsors Boystown residential facility for impoverished boys, delivers feeding programs, and offers other relief programs around the world.

Copyright © 2016 The Pillai Foundation.